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How does a Consultant help

A Publishing Consultant is a guide for writers and authors and helps them navigate the publication process.  They don’t write your work, but they do help develop a realistic plan and keep you accountable for your goals. They cannot guarantee publication (no one can), but they can help you present yourself to the best possible publishing partner in the best light, whether it be via a query letter, book proposal, or an in-person meeting. 


Start with an initial complimentary phone call to discuss your unique circumstance. John and you will identify your goals. He will then suggest a short-term or long-term plan to address your situation. Following the initial call, John will provide you with a detailed plan that helps you, step-by-step, work toward achieving your objective. The plan will include one-on-one calls and emails. John will also provide detailed next steps for you to complete on your own, while he checks in and provides support.

When you decide to move forward, John will provide a detailed plan for you. It will include a schedule you and John have developed together, incremental steps for you to take, and the path to your expected outcome. During your calls, you will:

  • Discuss your progress on your individualized plan. If you are experiencing impediments, John and you will brainstorm and discus possible solutions. 

  • Get your questions answered about publishing and your target market. 

  • Talk about the writing process and how to be your most productive self.

  • Talk about the publishing process and how to focus on the best publisher or journal for your material.

  • Discuss resources you need. John can help with a list of possible publishers or point you in the right direction.

No matter the project, each plan is tailored to you and there is no “on size fits all.”


Maybe you just want to have a couple of phone calls to get your questions answered on self-publishing, or maybe you are looking for a long-term coach to help you achieve your dreams. John Bond of Riverwinds Consulting can help with one-on-one coaching. Get started today.

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